Apr 30, 2005 22:56
last night i went ova to madi's house then jenna was at a boring party so she came ova till 11 and we jumped on the trapolen and talked bout stuff u guys that dog was posesed or how eva u spell it then after jenna left me and madi staid up till 12 or somthing and then we woke up and ate breakfast then Clays friends left and then madi when to drop me off. but then i go to get out of the car and there was a present there and i didnt wanna step on it so i go and jump ova it meanwhile i fall out and slam my knee on my drive way and it hurts soo bad there is a big bule and black bruse gross but yea. after that i came home and watched tv then went babysitting from 4 till 10 and then went ova to nabors for a bom fire then went ova to angies with kaitlyn m taylor a and Chelsey goes to walled lake middle and yea talked on the trampone and my dad and bro come up behind us when me and tay r talking and scares us>>
oh and angie and averi both got me sick thanx a lot guys
lmao jking but yea
call me