Dec 22, 2006 14:12

Stalked again, a rant by Tayliona.

dread_ is stalking Tayliona

dread_’s REAL name :
Hilma Spenser

dread_’s REAL DOB :
10th October 1975

Height :180 cm
Weight : 71.3 kg

dread_ has dreamt about you :
23 times

dread_ became interested in you :
19th May 2005

dread_’s latest dream about you

dread_ and Tayliona make passionate love on a condom strewn beach in Belgium to the sound of George Michael’s Careless Whisper playing in the distance.

This is how dread_ describes your relationship behind your back

‘We are just really good friends at the moment. I’d honestly cut off my arm to be with them though’

dread_’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

dread_ has a number of Tayliona’s old school books littered around their bedroom.

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

In a vain attempt to impress you dread_ walked into a piercing studio and got everything pierced including their nose, chin, genitals and lip.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

We’ll be together some day sweetheart. Until then here is part of my fucking tongue. Put it in the freezer. I might need it back someday.

The Police

No. calls to the police :
26 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"Ah fuck it not again. Look dread_ you little bastard, get your fucking head out of my bin or else I’m phoning the cops. Right that’s fucking it! Hello police? Yes it’s dread_ again. The little shit-stirrer."

dread_’s Police File

Society will be much more dangerous if dread_ is free.

Testimonies about dread_

frunobulax - A hardened ex-crook

‘You think you know a person and then something like this comes out of the blue. Fuck that, I’m becoming a recluse.’

doctor_j - Rotten heathen

‘How depressing. I feel sorry for Tayliona, it’s kind as fuck to a fault. Always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. All of this sickens me.'’

kevbo_ - Breastfeeder of Cats

‘Uncool and unhip dread_ is just plain shit!’

ljdjr - Worships the sun

‘I would not piss on dread_ if they were on fire.’

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