Oct 20, 2004 11:39
I had the scariest dream ihave ever had last nite...
i will explain.
It started out with Trevor, Tab, and myself.. we were on our way to vancouver... im not sure how but we ended up eating in sort of a Boston Pizza type place.. with all of these people.. i didnt know them, there were about 10 of us. All of a sudden two of the guys from our table whipped out these knives and started killing everyone. They sliced off trev's head and we had to run.. i grabbed Tab and we booked it out of the restaurant.. everyone ran in different directions. Tab and I were booking it as fast as we could, jumping fences with these dudes chaseing us. Then all of a sudden Tab was gone. I was like.. FUCK. I kept running and called Steven.. he wouldnt come and first and get me.. but then he was there.. i hopped in the big red beast, and took off.. but the fuckers somehow got in and started cutting everyone up with chainsaws.. i took a fucking hit right to my head with it. Ughhh.. it was soooo creepy.. then i hopped out of the vehicle and somehow ended up back at the resaturant... when i walked in, everyone was sitting there.. normally.. just like before.. then i woke up. Oh god.. i could feeeeell myself getting chopped up. NOT FUN. I dont feel like i've slept at all..
Anyways, i have to work today from 3-7... i get tommrow off. *wee*
Im so out