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Oct 24, 2005 16:27

well fall break is over.
im kinda happy but kinda sad.
thursday me and steph came home and ate speedys, i love that place.
then we went and got her hair cut. its really short. but really cute.
then friday we stayed at the store mostly then went and got ready, we went and saw the fog, her lil brother pitched a fit so he could go.
and he went. Saturday we planned on doing something with austin and max and then her mom said we was doing something and to be ready like before the alabama game so we was basically ready and then we ended up staying and watching the game, which i didnt mind cause i wanted to watch it.
but anyways we ended up not going so we called austin and max and we all went to the park form like 8- 11 and it was freezing but i had so much fun! well me and austin are back together, he asked me wensday night, at first i didnt think it was him, but it was! im really happy, but im afraid some people might be mad at me but oh wells, im sorry.
sunday we was going to go to church but we went to coconuts and then to sams and then to see her nana in the hospital, she had knee surgery.
we went and got something to eat from rallys well me and steph got something from rallys, but robin got all of them captain d's.
and we didnt get home until like 10 till 9 and steph took me home, and i didnt get to talk to austin for only like maybe 15 mins.
today at school was pretty good, i was being really nice to people, for some reason lol. things are so much different between me and austin then they used to be, which is a good thing. we went to their pep rally and they had to give roses to the cheerleaders, and he gave his to Mrs. Rhueby i thought that was sweet. tonights there last game i wanted to go but i dont guess im going to get too. i talked to christy she seems much better, shes coming to school tom. me and steph has gotten back close again, i hope i can stay close to christy and steph at the same time, thats always been a problem for me though! Man Johnny went crazy in 4th today! it was so funny i was laughing so hard my eyes was watering up!
but i feel bad bc hes retarted. i dont know i think somebody is going around telling somebody that ive said stuff about them, when i havent, i really could careless but whatever i do not care anymore. casting crowns concert is soon, i promised to go, but its also my brothers halloween party and i had to watch my nephew, austin is going with me, if i still go. friday night, me, and him and steph, and max, amd maybe amber and mayber somebody for her lol i dont want to say any names, and alot of other people are suppose to go see saw 2 but i dont know how all thats going to work out. but anyways i guess i better go, my dads telling me i got to do my homework, so i love you.
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