Kiev-88. My new toy.

Apr 03, 2010 21:58

Репост с Буду рад вас там видеть!
I waited it few weeks and It’s by me and now it’s mine! Looks very well, shutter works by ear. This camera is the USSR copy of the Hasselblad 2000 series. Many people say that it’s a bad camera. I will tell you about my expirience after using.
I have two expired films and want to test my new camera with it. Results in the near future.
And here is it:

Full complect is:
  • camera
  • folding waist-level viewfinder
  • prism viewfinder
  • 2×120 backs
  • neck strap
  • original docs and wrapping

  • All of this was made in 1986 in USSR

    kiev-88, olympus e500, zd 40-150mm/1:3.5-4.5

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