Jun 15, 2005 00:05
I was thinkin tonight when i was watchin a movie with my mom. My mom was talkin to me about everything that has happend to me, and she told me that if it was meant to be then the person will come back but if they dont come back then it was never meant to be. Then we started talkin about Dj. I kept tellin her i missed him. I kept tellin her that i dont have any friends and how everything we had just went down the drain in like 2 days. His family hates me now!!!! I love kim and gary like they are my parents but i guess i kinda deserved everything that has cme to me. Then we started talkin about how good i have been doin, and she said i have been doin better than i have been doin in awhile. I told her "yea i am doin better but im not happy at all". She asked me why and i told her "i dont have the love in my life anymore and i never will again. I guess sometimes people love to much and i just wanted to say sorry.