Jun 05, 2005 01:58
last night was horriable. i hate when i start crying and then i can't stop. that is the worst feeling in the world, especially if you really want to stop or you are around people you don't want to cry in front of. i thought by living here this summer i would get to know my dad more but i don't think it's going to happen. it's funny the erin is the only person who even notices that i'm not happy here. i wish erin would open up to me more but she just tends to tell me what to do and give me advice on things i don't really want her advice on. i don't really want to know my dad more because then i will start to see all of his faults. he's not perfect and the more i see of him the more i just want to tell him what to do. he just seems so out of it and so clueless. i think i am going to start taking more pictures. i have wanted to do it for a long time but never really got into it. i am going to start saving for a camera, a nice one. this might end up being my great new hobby. i need hugs and kisses. i need naked time with him. being around him makes me happy and the five mintue phone calls make my day.