(no subject)

Nov 18, 2008 20:20

Just sent to my Senator who's up for re-election next: I read that the Senate Democrats have decided to reward Joe Lieberman for his endorsement of the opposition by allowing him to keep his position as Chair of the Homeland Security Committee. I hope he brings in lots of campaign cash for you, along with all the votes he didn't get in the Connecticut primary, because I will never again campaign for a Democrat the way I did for Obama, nor will I ever contribute to any Democrat's campaign funds.
They can go whistle for Obama's ground game without the progressives, and I don't think they can hope to raise the amount of money Obama did without the progressives. I'm sick and tired of having party loyalty demanded of me (because the sky will fall if I vote for a third party), without any accountability for those I vote for. I'd rather vote for the tree outside my door than for my Senators right now. At least I know where it stands.

The other Senator, who just got re-elected, got a much more tongue-in-cheek request for a congratulatory card on the occasion of my having decided to never again give money or vote for any Democrat for Senate. I do wonder if I'll that card.


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