Courtship and Flirtation

Aug 16, 2008 12:33

So... I've been rereading Swtalmnd's A Question of Etiquette (warning: pretty heavy kink, mild chan, teacher/student UST), and thinking about the possibilities of card games in code phrases. Obviously, one could indicate a preference for Queens-or-better poker over Jacks-or-better to show an interest in homosexual liasons rather than heterosexual. One could prefer solitaire if not interested, a partnership game (bridge or whist) if interested in a single partner, or a team/group game for group sex. Any other thoughts?

[Bidding system discussion in bridge could offer nearly endless opportunities for code words, but the general fanfic-reading population probably wouldn't understand Two-Way New Minor Forcing as anything but crudeness, and the double nature of these sorts of code phrases is important.]


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