Unbeta-d TSFE Teaser

Aug 01, 2008 14:12

Purely for motivational purposes. Previous chapters can be found here. This chapter-let is rated G, but the rest of the story is rated PG-13 to NC-17 and contains graphic m/m sex, PTSD, and graphic (past) rape/non-con. Also, homophobia, outdated psychology, victim-blaming and self-hatred.

The portkey deposited them in an empty, circular room. Harry was already casting a Protego as he landed. Severus whipped out his wand, but did not cast, as he wasn’t certain what the threat was.

Harry straightened, shaking his head, as Severus watched quizzically.

An odd, tinny voice came from near the ceiling. “I’m just glad you told me you were showing up today, Agent Potter. Last time you dropped in unannounced…”

Harry laughed and waved. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you, Jerry. Come on, Severus.” Harry led the way towards the wall underneath a blinking light. As they approached, the wall slid aside, revealing a waiting room much like the one they had left in London. A middle-aged man in a blue shirt and trousers stood to one side. His name tag proclaimed him to be Jerry Andrews, US Customs Inspector, and the patches on his arm proclaimed his affiliation with the Magical Division and the Border Patrol. He waved Harry and Severus to one side as another voice announced the next portkey and a young family hustled towards the circular room.

“Well, let’s see the luggage, then. Anything to declare?” Jerry ran his wand over the two visible trunks.

“Not today.” Harry grinned and stepped aside.

Severus took his second trunk out of his pocket and restored it to full size. Jerry inspected that, as well. “Right. If you’d just step through that arch, gentlemen.”

Harry stepped though without hesitation, so Severus followed him, puzzled.

“Thank you, sir.” Jerry handed him his trunks, with a nod and a smile. “And thank you again for the warning, Agent Potter.”

Severus watched Harry laugh, debating whether he wanted to know what had happened on that previous occasion to make the customs inspector so very grateful to have been warned of Harry’s arrival.

Taking a portkey halfway around the world didn’t take very long, it just felt as though it ought to. Having left London in the early evening, it was not yet one o’clock in the afternoon when Harry and Severus staggered up the stairs to their flat.

“Right,” said Harry, as he unlocked the door. “If the pictures the agent showed me are accurate, one of the bedrooms faces east, and the other west, but they both have large windows. So, do you want sunrise or sunset?”

Severus dragged his rolling trunk in from the rather dingy hallway. The entire room, obviously intended to serve as both sitting and dining area, glowed in the light from two large windows overlooking the street. The bustling street below made itself heard, though dimmed by the three flights of stairs they’d climbed. It was nothing like the quiet safety of his Hogwarts dungeons.

“Which of the bedrooms is farther from those infernal noisemakers the Muggles call vehicles?”

Harry grinned. “I think they’re both at the back of the apartment. Why don’t you check them out or yourself? Should be through those two doors.”

Severus poked his head into the first of the indicated doors. The room beyond was small and light, furnished only with a bed, a chest of drawers, and a tiny table next to the head of the bed. A narrow door tucked next to the drawers proved to lead to a wardrobe barely more than a handspan deep. The curtains on the windows were light, flimsy things, providing no shelter from the infernally bright sunlight on the other side. Severus considered inspecting the other room, but this one was adequate, and if he could not have his dungeons, he at least preferred not to be woken at some ungodly hour by the sunrise. Besides, he was certain Harry preferred the sunrise room, and he was not about to risk his welcome before he had even set foot in the Labs.

A flick of his wand turned the curtains into proper drapes, blocking the afternoon sun and darkening the room to a comfortable twilight. After setting his trunks on the chest, he unlaced his boots. He would just test the bed, to see if it was suitable, before he transfigured it into something better.

When Harry peeked in ten minutes later, Severus was sound asleep.


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