Bush's education bills and budgets punish teachers for not magically compensating for all sorts of problems students show up at school with, but he's not willing to hold anyone else accountable for anything. Bush propaganda claims that anyone who doesn't support his policies doesn't support the troops. We've been in Iraq for years in pursuit of phantom fears and dreams, but
Bush won't sign a bill to fund the troops if it holds the Iraqis accountable for anything. Rice said the president would not agree to a plan that penalizes Baghdad if the Iraqi government falls short. To do so, she said, would restrain the abilities of Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. military commander in Iraq, and Ryan Crocker, the new U.S. ambassador to Iraq.
But, somehow, that's not "a problem with so-called consequences" when the abilities being restrained are those of teachers working with poor, immigrant, disabled, or abused children and adolescents. No, we need to be held, not just to benchmarks, but to strict timetables.
Bush wants to play his war games with OUR SOLDIERS' LIVES for as long as he feels like it, and damn the consequences to anyone else. After all, what matters is that everyone knows he has a big dick, not the lives of anyone he doesn't know personally.