Ohhhh, MY GAWD. I knew there was a reason I was avoiding getting sucked into RP. If you're wondering where I've been the past few weeks, it's over
here playing Peter Vincent and Harry Lockhart. Those guys are fucking distracting, geez! But I can't deny I am totally loving it!
So where does that leave me with here and all the fics I've been
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Because I miss Charley too. Dammit. I wish anyone else cared...
Just stick to it! It's a small fandom, but hopefully that'll at least weed out the crap-writers quicker. And remember a while ago I said I was going to bomb the meme? I wasn't lying; I've got around eleven half-finished prompt fills, plus like another ten or so that didn't come from a prompt. It's coming, I swear!
I've just been SO busy. And I've another busy weekend this time. But after that I should be able to sort of write on Saturdays again. I hope.
I'm hoping to reel my friend back in. She's written a lot of the other good Peter/Charley stuff that wasn't by you or me. ;) She's been super busy with life stuff but is a great writer.
And I'll get back to Peter/Charley soon. I have some notes. :) But for some reason the Jerry/Peter stuff is calling to me. I don't particularly even like the pairing... but the ANGST. It's interesting. And okay, they're both hot, so it helps.
I checked out the RP comm, btw. I can't get into it. Too many characters I don't know or care about. :/ I could see how it could be fun, though, to just write a lot of Peter! And your Peter was interesting to read. Have fun with it, and bring us back fic! :D
And damn if I don't find him compelling. Because he IS just a straightforward monster. That was the point. He isn't your warm-fuzzy, *coughsparklycough* vampire. He just wants to eat you. And yet... he's smart, manipulative, sexy... clearly has desires. And he has particular interest in Peter and in Charley. So it's fun to explore why and how and whatnot. And it's a challenge to make it creepy, but not wrong-creepy, and stay away from non-con. Peter is fucked up enough for that to work sometimes.
Honestly, I wasn't a huge Colin Farrell fan before this. I could take or leave him, sometimes found him hot, sometimes couldn't be bothered. Fright Night fandom changed that for me. AND HOW. I'm praying there's a Total Recall ( ... )
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