Nov 11, 2008 16:53
I never thought I would ever see gas under $2 a gallon again. Sure enough, it's $1.98 at the station next to our apartment.
As for my job, I love it. A lot better than retail. I'm still waiting for my first performance evaluation so I can get a raise, but they had to put them off so we can make sure everything is running smoothly with the new contract first. Today was Employee Appreciation Day. They had Edmonds Barbecue cater lunch to us, then we got out of work for a training seminar with Glenda Doles.
My wife was feeling terrible last week. She was experiencing abdominal pains that were getting worse. We ended up going to the ER twice before they could figure out what it was. Now that she has gotten the right medicine, she is feeling much better. No, she isn't pregnant. We want kids, but not right now. We babysit our 2 year old niece and she feels almost like our own.