From a to z -- well, really that should be from _ to z -- an astonishing (maybe just to me) 230+ fen have spoken. And what have you said?
There is serious love for the Ticky Box.
So, here's the thing. I'm anal, which is a bit over the horizon from obsessive-compulsive. So I took the raw data from the polls and broke them down in Excel. Which is why some of the percentages below may be a b it different than what you see if you click on LJ's calculated results of the poll.
Now, the results:
234 unique responders
80% have a favorite pair, but will read one of the pair with someone else. This group's motto: "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with."
14% have their hearts dedicated to a particular pair. Awww, the romantics.
6% don't care who's slashed with whom. These are the honest ones among us, who admit it's really all about the pr0n. :)
94% of you chose a single OTP (this includes the people who chose a people-based OTP and Ticky/Box).
6% people chose two or more people-based OTPs. Some, have mutually exclusive OTPs, such as like
spubba with John/Ronan and Rodney/Radek, and
shellmidwife with John/Rodney and Teyla/Elizabeth. Quite a few, like
serpentsgarden (hi, Js!) want threesomes. I deliberately didn't do threesomes, as I was just interesting in the change, if any, in OTPs from S1 to S2.
<1% or 16 fen OTP the Ticky/Box exclusively. Send good vibes into the Universe for these people; they are the rule-breakers, the chaos-lovers, and life would be very boring without them.
Among the 94% with a single human-based OTP:
90% read/enjoy/devour/crave John/Rodney.
5% are for Rodney/Radek.
4% are for Rodney/Carson. And given that we are now at 99% of the respondents, I'm sensing this is a Rodney-based fandom, nu?
<1% each for John/Ronon and Teyla/Elizabeth.
And finally, the answer to the question I had which drove me to create the poll in the first place: have the McShep lovers stayed true from S1 to S2?
72% said they'll read Ronon slash, but it does not impact their John/Rodney OTP
21% said it is still John/Rodney only for them.
7% said that Ronan was their guy, and John had either dumped Rodney or was never with him in the first place.
Boooo-yawwwwww! 93% of you have stayed with John/Rodney, which makes me very happy and reaffirms my faith in my fellow fen. You've proven to me that, no matter how much I may tease about slashers being all about the pr0n, it is really all about the love.
1) My IM and IRC policy (kind of like a friending policy): I'm TayaWulf on AIM and tayawulf on googletalk, and I try to be on #primenotprime when they have the big chat on Saturdays. Chat me up anytime!
2) For the DC fen: a fellow DCSlasher volunteers with the Red Cross and has been told that Katrina refugees are being brought to a specific DC site this weekend. The RC may need help setting up. I've told her that I'm free anytime this weekend for anything. If you can spare the time and want to join us, please email me: