Dec 22, 2007 09:31
lets make one thing perfectly clear.
i am not a biologist like Julia Serano.
i probably am not much like the trans woman she is, either.
here's the deal.
none of us, as much as we find the need to cling to similarity, in thought, reason, chemistry, bioligy, literature, secondary media (humor? that was a joke there, people) anything, nothing makes us who we are excpet simple compiled day to day experience. some biology, sure. a traumatic experience, count it twice. an amazing experience... count it three times if you're lucky,, then add one time's worth of SSRI to even out the balance, and that is the best we who envision ourselves exploring the universe we thing we have discovered, can come up with.
this will make sense later, but if you think about really how lame we humans are, even in terms of board game superior and holy dominance, jesus, havent you fucking realized he's or she's or they've (and in a collective atmostphre only part of our personal or shared miseries or encountered deaths, ) would be quite simply chalked up to the statistics of a godG.*
i havent gone online to find out the dispersal ratio of SSRI self enablers to a cognition disoriented (as defined by others more than by the eventual recipients) (hence a flaw in not the logic of the program, but rather a fallible note to be made regarding the recording of data, recording being done by fallible devices...
but frankly, i am more like the trans woman than most of you reading this are, and thats cool by me.
i am totally enraptured by this book.
though it is filled with word definitions, chromosonal theory, social backstabbing theory, and lots of words i need to put my glasses on to read clearly.... i realize...
this might very well be why no one comments ad nauz in my journal.before she goes off on the word definition tangent, she says quite simply, i'm just gonna use the word "travhs". okay, sure she copyrited it first, but i thought i was onto something new before i read her stuff! i am not put off. i see dynamics and coalitions all the time now.
i'm a very different person than i was when i started this journal. hell, i'm somewhat a different person than i was when i started december. so, most probably are you. You have had time to stress (most likely), have amazing moments, eat wonderful things, get sick, feel like dying, almost die, go insane, cut yourself or mutilate an aspect of your personal existence in a way that if you did it right and ended you would not have at least been misconstrued at your wake...
did i say car accident?
chances are, if you drive a motor vehicle, you'll have a near enough encounter to send your blood pressure runnin to the chemist for some designer heart med drug, in a......
heartbeat. the thoughts work that way, dont they.
that wasnt a question.
Ms Serano's book has... galvanized me. its amazing, really. as a person who considers herself a writer, i'm a fairly tough room. one of the things she speaks about it a sorta trans or at least alternative version of cognitive dissonance, the holding in ones mind, and coping of, two completely disparate ideas.">
and i quote:
I know that most people believe that transsexuals transition because we want to be the other sex, but that is an oversimplification. After all, I wanted to be female amost my whole life, but I was far too terrified of the label "transsexual," or of having potential regrets, to seriously consider transitioning. What changed during that twent-some-year period was not my desire to be female, but rather my ability to cope with being male, to cope with my own gender dissonance. When I made the decision to transition, I honestly had no idea what it would be like for me to live as female. The only thing I knew for sure was that pretending to be male was slowly killing me.
*this was in no way a reference to the first letter in the name of the president of the united states, or any other type of reference based these days in faith, that starts with the letter G, like omg god, or even george or goolemyself and die, giggles, glory, godsmackin goodsex, generalgetsit gdone...
phew... thats a D ticket right Ghere....