The Petrol Fill Up

Sep 18, 2012 20:15

Title: The Petrol Fill Up
Author: tay_21
Fandom: Primeval
Pairings: Connor/Abby
Rating: Pg
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, fluff, angst
Warning/Advertisements: None.  
Word Count: 908
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: The idea for this fic visited me yesterday and I just had to get it written down.  Very special thanks to sunspecops for the super speedy beta.   
Author's Note 2: This is based on a true story.  My dad did this for my mom last week and this past weekend they celebrated thier 34th anniversary.  My dad is an amazing man and he loves my mom very much.  Mom loves him more than the day they got married.  They are amazing examples of what a good marriage should look like.
Summary: Abby is stunned by a simple act of romantic kindness from Connor after 34 years of marriage.

The Petrol Fill Up

Abby was running late.  She glanced at Connor as he shaved his salt and pepper beard in the mirror.  He caught her eye and smiled back at her.

After 34 years of marriage, they still made each other smile.  Three kids, countless battles with anomalies and bureaucrats alike, they had stuck together.  Connor and Abby against the world.  It wasn’t that they never fought or argued, it was they gave each other a safe place to argue and disagree.

Abby glanced at the clock.  She was running late and, oh, bugger she needed to put petrol in the car.  They were working at separate locations lately, Abby at the menagerie and Connor upgrading various detection equipment parts around the UK.  Today he was headed up to Yorkshire in a few hours.

Abby put her fingers to her head.  There was never enough time in the day.

“What is it, love?” Connor asked, pausing the upstroke of his razor and looking at her reflection intently.

“Oh, nothing.  I just forgot that I have to stop and put petrol in the car and I’m already running late.”

“You should go to Tesco’s.  It’s cheaper.”

“I don’t have time, Connor.  I’m just going to go to Jubilee on South Street.  It’s not as out of the way.  Tesco’s is the wrong direction.”  Abby sighed heavily.  It was going to be one of those days.  Connor resumed shaving, going a little faster than before.  Abby opened her make-up bag so she could finish getting ready.

Connor seemed to be rushing now and he somehow miraculously finished up getting ready at the same time that Abby did.  They both grabbed their bags that they would need for their respective adventures.  Connor wouldn’t be home until late.  His train wasn’t due to leave for a couple of hours yet.  Why was he rushing to get out the door?

“Why are you leaving now?”  Abby asked.

“Don’t want to miss me train, do I?  This way I can grab breakfast at the station.”

Abby just shrugged.  He was normally very slow in the morning.  Maybe he was just looking forward to his venture to Yorkshire.

Abby kissed Connor goodbye and he shut her door for her before drawing a heart in the condensation on her window.  He was still a silly romantic after all these years.  She blew him a kiss.

They both left their flat at the same time, Abby in the lead.  They headed out of Isleworth and Abby made the turn onto South Street.  She was surprised to see Connor turn onto South Street right behind her.

She pulled into the Jubilee Service Station and Connor turned in behind her.

Abby pulled up to the pump and got out.  Connor was out of his car almost before she was.

“Connor, what are you doing?  You filled your tank yesterday on the way home.”

“I’m going to pump your petrol for you.  I’ve got to take care of my girl.”  His smile was blinding.  Now it all made sense.  When they were together, Connor always put the petrol in for her.  Something his father had taught him.  And people said chivalry was dead.  Abby’s heart melted and she pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

“I love you.”

“Love you too.  It’s chilly out here.  Get back in your car.”  Connor swatted her arse playfully as she turned to get back in her car.

Abby sat down and once again, and Connor closed her door for her.  Her eyes misted over as she thought about the sweet and amazing man with whom she had spent the last 34 years sharing her life.  She glanced at him, hands shoved down in the pockets of his overcoat, scarf pulled around his face to ward off the cold.  She suddenly remembered the first time she saw him in those ridiculous baggy clothes on a cold night in the Forest of Dean.

She hadn’t known it then, but that was the beginning of something beautiful.  Her life was immeasurable better because of the man doing something as simple and romantic for her like filling her car with petrol on a cold British morning.

She was yanked from her reverie by a tap on the glass next to her.  Abby rolled the window down.

“All set, love.  Have a good day.  I love you.”  Connor leaned in through the window and kissed her tenderly.  “I won’t be content again until I’m home tonight and I can have you in my arms.  Until then, be safe.”

“Always.  You do the same, yeah?”

He nodded.  “It’s going to be cold up there.”

“I’ll help you warm up when you come home tonight.  Think of it as an incentive to hurry back to me.”  Abby grabbed his scarf and pulled him back down to her.  “I love you, too.”  She kissed him and then released his scarf.

They shared one more look before Connor turned for his car, and Abby rolled up her window.  As they parted ways, they waved at each other.  Neither of them were famous, they weren’t household names, but they led simple and complete lives, full of small romantic moments like the one they had just shared.  Connor loved Abby deeply and he always found the simplest ways to show it.  Abby loved him for that and so many other reasons.  That thought would keep her warm throughout the day until they were together again later that evening.


author: tay_21, ficlet, fluff, connor/abby, personal, romance, primeval

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