Drabbles for Episodes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Aug 07, 2012 15:36

Title: Episode Drabbles 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Author: tay_21
Fandom: Primeval
Pairings: Connor/Abby
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warning/Advertisements: None.  
Word Count: 3 x 100
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: sunspecops and I are doing a rewatch of seasons one, two, and three and challenging ourselves to one drabble per episode.

Episode 1.1

Handsome.  That described the tall one, with the cheekbones and the pretty eyes.

Academic.  He had lots of knowledge but not a lot of practice.  He seemed nice and genuine though.

Bureaucrat.  She was easy to peg.  Not a pushover, but definitely government.

Geek.  That was the best word that could have summed up the odd boy with the hat.  Under that, he had a look of awe and wonder and a kind smile she instantly liked.

Lizard Girl.  That was how she described herself.  She wondered if this moment in time right here was going to change her forever.

Episode 1.2

“Is Stephen seeing anyone?”  Connor looked at Abby’s hopeful expression as she waited for his response.  “Has he said anything about me?”

He took time to blink.  This was awkward.  He felt his expression fall, but he was sure she didn’t notice.  Girls never did.  Story of his life.  He swallowed his disappointment.  It may have been the story of his life, but that didn’t mean he’d quit trying to rewrite it.

He denied he knew anything of Stephen’s feelings toward her; it wasn’t a lie.  And then… a stroke of brilliance.

“Actually, I’ve never seen him with a woman.”

Episode 1.3

They made it out of the water hoping that would be it.  But the creature was jumping out of the water, snapping it’s jaws at them.  Connor wasn’t a hero, but he was a survivor.  Plus, he couldn’t let Abby die.

He shoved the oar into the creature’s mouth.  It was all he could think of; he was shocked when it worked… sort of.

Minutes later she was in front of him.  “You saved my life.”  Then she was in his arms.  He pulled her in; she felt good pressed against him like that.  He didn’t want to let go.

author: tay_21, humor, angst, primeval, drabble, connor/abby, hurt/comfort, fluff

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