Worst. Day. EVER!

Jul 27, 2012 00:42

Title: Worst.  Day.  EVER!
Author: tay_21
Fandom: Primeval
Pairings: Connor/Abby
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Alluded to Smut
Warning/Advertisements: None.  
Word Count: 768
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: I wrote this a while back when evenstar_estel was having a bad day and in need of fluff.  We all need a little more fluff in our lives.  :-)

Worst.  Day.  EVER!

Connor just couldn’t take it any more.  It had started that morning when he’d argued with Abby.  It had gone down hill from there.

He’d misfiled his reports to Lester and been subsequently yelled at almost before he had come though the door.  He’d spilled coffee on his shirt and his keyboard causing it to spark and die.  He’s burned his fingers on the soldering iron whilst trying to repair his dead keyboard.  And to top it all off they’d had not one but two anomaly call outs back to back.

Everyone had been short with each other and there had been a lot of sniping by the time they all got back to the ARC and somewhere in it all Abby had gone home without him.  Connor had to beg a ride off Becker, who was never any fun after a double call out. Clearly Abby was still upset with him from that morning.

Now, as he trudged up the steps to his and Abby’s flat he stubbed his toe and tripped on the landing sending his bags flying as he landed, sprawled across the cement.

He growled and threw one of his bags at the wall before trying to get everything back together so he could finally just be home.

He dropped his keys twice while trying to open the front door.  He was seriously ready to either explode with anger or burst into tears.

The flat was dark, but there was a small amount of flickering light coming out of the bathroom.  He wasn’t sure if he should disturb her.  Mostly he just wanted to grab a beer, curl up and go to sleep, pretend this whole terrible day hadn’t happened.

“Connor? Could you come here a sec.  I need your help.”  Connor sighed.  He guessed there was still time to screw a few more things up today.  May as well face the music with Abby.  He hung his head and headed for the bathroom.

He pushed the semi-ajar door all the way open.  Warm, steamy air billowed out and encompassed him.  Abby was sat on the edge of the tub facing the door.  The only light in the whole room flickered from the soft glow of the dozens of candles that sat on nearly every surface of the bathroom.  Sitting on the counter next to the tub was a plate full of sandwiches, cheese, meats and sliced vegetables, simple but elegant.  There was a cold beer waiting for him and Abby sipped on a glass of wine.

“You seemed to have had a rough day.  I thought I could help you forget about it,” Abby stated quietly.  “I’m sorry about this morning.  It really doesn’t matter and isn’t important.  Connor, you know I love you, right?  It’s safe for us to argue and express ourselves to each other.  We can do all that because we love each other.  You’ll never do or say anything to push me away.  And, I’m pretty sure it’s the same for you.”

Connor couldn’t stop the tear that slipped down his cheek.  He didn’t feel like exploding anymore.  He stripped his close off and went to Abby, pulling her into his embrace.  “I love you, Abby.  You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.  I don’t know where I’d be were it not for you.  You make my life worth living.”

He sat next to her on the rim of the tub, his arm around her and her head on his shoulder.  “Come on, Conn, let’s have a bath and dinner.  Then we can do what ever you want.  We can go to bed, or we can sit and watch a movie.  What ever you want.  I just want to help you forget this day.”

They lowered themselves down into the water and Abby maneuvered herself behind Connor.  She fed him dinner and between bites of food she massaged his shoulders and neck until he was putty in her hands.  She settled into his lap, her arms around his neck pulling him in close for a slow, languid kiss.  She sank herself down onto him and together they moved as one, slow and tender.

When they tumbled over the edge together, each with the name of the other sliding from their lips, they remained in the warm cocoon of the water; neither of them was willing to part from the other.

As the water began to cool, they moved from the tub to the bedroom.  Abby brought the candles with them and together they spent a few more hours forgetting the terrible day they’d had.

author: tay_21, ficlet, fluff, connor/abby, romance, primeval

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