Title: I Can't Believe Abby Let Connor Put it THERE
tay_21Fandom: Primeval
Pairings: Connor/Abby, Jess, Becker
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, humor
Warning/Advertisements: None.
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: Written for
evenstar_estel and her cheeky prompt can be found in the title. This is just a bit of fun.
I Can’t Believe Abby Let Connor Put it There
Jess stared at the main focal point of Connor and Abby’s new living room at their house-warming party. It wasn’t the telly or a nice piece of furniture or a beautiful piece of art. Well, at least not art in a normal sense.
Jess just shook her head.
“Can you believe that Abby let Connor put it there?” Becker asked in a near whisper at Jess’ side.
“I really can’t,” Jess responded.
They both gawked in awkward silence at the life size mock up of Darth Vader breathing loudly in the living room. Becker took a sip of his drink and nearly splurted it out his nose when Darth informed him that he was his father.
“Isn’t it COOL!” Connor bounced up next to them. "Abby just loves it."
Becker raised one eyebrow and Jess had to cover her laughing with a fit of coughing.
Abby rolled her eyes in response behind Connor and shook her head. It was a good thing she loved Connor with every ounce of her soul. She stepped up next to him and took his hand. "It's quite the conversation starter isn't it?"