Baby of Mine

Oct 10, 2011 22:30

Title: Baby of Mine
Author: tay_21 
Fandom: Primeval
Pairings/Characters: Connor/Abby
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, pure sweet sticky fluff
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: A late night awakening and the fluff that ensues
Author's Note:  Thanks toevenstar_estel for all her encouragement to keep going and to write what my muse tells me.  Dedicated to her, prehistoriccat and casy_dee.  If you want to know what this song sounds like, here's a link to it on YouTube.  (You might want to have tissues at the ready.)

Baby of Mine

Abby was so groggy.  The last few weeks were glorious, but an exhausting blur.  It had been four weeks since the birth of her and Connor’s first child, a boy, named Callum Nicholas Temple.  Abby was so tired, but she wouldn’t trade baby Callum for anything in the world.

A chill swept through the room and Abby’s head cleared enough to realize what had woken her.  Connor wasn’t next to her.  Where was he?  She looked over to the baby monitor and the lights were moving as it registered sound, but none was coming from the speaker.  Abby’s sleepily furrowed her eyebrows and reached up to turn up the sound.

Her heart melted almost immediately.  She could here Callum fussing a bit and Connor was humming.  He was humming the same lullaby that she always sang to Callum when she was breast-feeding.  Abby lay there for a moment and listened to Connor’s voice gliding over her and through the room, Callum snuffling in the background.

After a few more moments, Abby couldn’t take the separation anymore.  She pulled on her fluffy dressing gown and padded down to the nursery.  She peeked around the doorframe, not wanting to disturb the bonding moment Connor was having with his son.

He was sat in the rocker, still humming the familiar tune.  He sniffed and she saw a tear track down his cheek as leaned down and brushed his lips over the tiny baby’s forehead.  It seamed that Callum had finally settled down in his father’s arms and was sucking happily at the bottle of pre-pumped breast milk Connor was giving him.

Abby’s movement caught his peripheral vision and he glanced up at her, eyes still bright with emotion.  “I can never remember the words you sing to him, just the tune.”

Abby crossed the room and ghosted her fingers over his hair.  She kissed his forehead as Connor had done with Callum a moment before.  “It’s OK, it’s the tune that he likes.  You can learn the words, we’ve got all the time in the world.”

“He’s so tiny.  Tiny and perfect.  I can’t believe he’s ours.  Can’t believe we made him.  He’s part of me and part of you, all in one little body.”  Connor moved his hand and Abby saw that Callum had a hold of his pinky finger with four perfect little fingers and a perfect little thumb.

“He is that.  A perfect little combination of us both.”  Abby leaned on Connor’s shoulders as she stood behind him, watching Callum feed.  He’d open his eyes from time to time, blue ringed with brown, and look at his parents.  As he finished off the bottle, his eyes closed and his breathing and snuffling evened out.

When Connor started to hum again, Abby joined in with the words.

“Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine
Little one when you play
Don't you mind what you say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine”


author: tay_21, ficlet, fluff, connor/abby, primeval

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