YAY!!!!! Movies FTW and other awesome things

Mar 06, 2011 22:51

So today I did not get much done in the way of what I had planned to do.  I did not get any extra grades in the great book, I sadly did not get any work done on the new fic I'm supposed to be beta'ing for a new Conby author (sorry, sorry, sorry), but I have good news.

Some of you know that my Papa (grandfather) almost died back in December.  He spent eight days in a coma and the doctors told us he would not survive.  We got all the family together and the decision was made to 'pull the plug'.  The took him off the machine and he continued to breathe.  He kept breathing on his own all that day.  They moved him to a floor of the hospital where patients are in transit, waiting to die, etc.  Instead of dying, he woke up and started talking.  CRAZY, right.  Miracle, says my family.  :-)  Anyways, that was New Years Eve, and he's finally coming home from the hospital tomorrow.  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who knows how long he'll be with us, but the extra time has been fantastic, especially for my Mom.  She had wanted to be able to have the chance to say goodbye.  He's doing great for an 84 year old who spent eight days in a coma and three months in the hospital in and out of Intensive Care.  He's still a cheeky bugger, but that's him.

Now to the movie stuff.

I got to see two excellent films today.  First, I saw Beastly.  It was a great little flick.  Excellent update of the Beauty and the Beast story.  I can't stand Vanessa Hudgens, but she acquitted herself quit well in this film.  I really loved it.

Next, my mom and I went and saw The King's Speech.  That is an absolutely superb film.  Totally and completely worthy of every award it's received.  The acting, the cinematography, the story, all of it, BRILLIANT.  Just brilliant.  I've always liked Colin Firth (and Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush), but my god, can he act!  It is clearly evident in this movie.  If you haven't seen it, go!  A most inspiring story.

I'll definitely be getting both of these on DVD when they come out.

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