Jun 28, 2009 02:23
Pride weekend in toronto.
Victor is on day 2 of going out on the town as it were. Lastnight was out for a bit with the gifties, then to Woody's on church with camille and friends. It was a really good time, and my first time going out anywhere on church.
Tonight was out at the Brunnie. Top 40, and Id heard it was kinda like the Trash in peterborough. It definitely was. It was a good time, though a very different atmosphere from woody's and different music. I liked both cause I just like going out and dancing in my awkward way to music. But I didn't really miss the Trash all that much. I did miss dancing.
Also, they wouldn't let me in without sleeves (yes, I was in a sleeveless number). Because... I've no idea. Dress code? Except they let in pretty much anything else.
There are many time, this one of them, when I am pissed off at social expectations of gender and behavior. If I cant go in without sleeves, why can those with boobs go in?
Heaven forbid I show my ankles too. *Gasp!* The wimins, how shall they control themselves?!
I freakin hate being so shackled by social norms and expectations on gender.
They wouldn't let in the one who when piss drunk, will still pick up beer bottles that have fallen on the ground to the floor, at the foot of the stairs to the bar because its dangerous.
I want to go out again tomorrow. To somewhere where I can be loud and drunk, and where guys will take off their shirts and have it not be against some dress code.
I need a boy.
Boourns to ridiculous shy.