Let the "glitch" jokes begin!

Oct 09, 2009 09:07

Hey there, all you fine people! I'm Keri and I am here with my fresh newbie scent and a fella from Tin Man, SciFi SyFy's "bold reimagining" of The Wizard of Oz. Say hello to Glitch, and then say hello again, and one more time just to be sure because he only has half a brain and is very likely to forget you the moment he turns his back. He used to be a supergenius inventor/adviser to his BFF the queen but there was an evil witch and she needed what was in his head and...well, there you go. Yes, that is a zipper on his head. Yes, it does open. No, you may not unzip his cranium and poke around. Looking at you, Sylar.

His programmed possession is a hedge maze of large size, but not as crazyhuge as it was in the mini. It is available for all your getting lost/body disposal/clandestine meeting/canoodling needs, exact location to be determined but I am thinking Osten.

I am on EST and my AIM is mirzath. Of course I'm joining right when I have company in for the weekend so my avaiability is already sketchy, GO ME. Still, it'll give me time to prod the wiki and maybe put together a FAQ/user guide for the headcase.

Looking forward to playing with you guys! :D


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