Hey guys!
Following on from the Activity check a couple of days ago, the following characters didn't respond to the reminder and are therefore being swept from the Taken list:
Zoe Washburne
stealth_shotDorothy "Ace" McShane
aces_are_rare In addition to this, here is your scheduled Friend Add/Remove update- as always this is absolutely optional, but should you wish to you use it GO NUTS. ♥
Admin Console Friend Add Update
friend add myveryownriot
friend add aregulargirl
friend add korsovau
friend add ancient_monkey
friend add bannered
friend add macgyverd_it
friend add notthatnormal
friend add iwantafamily
friend add thecheerleader
friend add eideticmemory
friend add shifty_business
friend add the_flyingman
friend add always_a_cover
friend add justaddmarbles
friend add an_ex_watcher
Friend Remove Update
friend remove bravelyrunaway
friend remove buck_the_system
friend remove the_prettygirl
friend remove almostatimelord
friend remove hearts_of_gold
friend remove stealth_shot
friend remove aces_are_rare
Master List
friend add adpartesdolent
friend add aesthetic_mojo
friend add always_a_cover
friend add ancient_monkey
friend add an_ex_watcher
friend add aregulargirl
friend add awfulfirstname
friend add bannered
friend add been_tested
friend add beholdthedrums
friend add biverbam
friend add browncoatdevil
friend add childoftwo
friend add criesonbirthday
friend add damnfinecoffee
friend add dci_gene_hunt
friend add demonmagnetism
friend add deperditio
friend add dexmcduff
friend add divtastic
friend add eideticmemory
friend add ellectricshock
friend add erudite_watcher
friend add faderbroderson
friend add fordification
friend add forgot_myself
friend add freaks_myword
friend add frell_me
friend add frell_this_dren
friend add fudgingkillyou
friend add gating_across
friend add glowingseer
friend add godlikesin
friend add gotaplan
friend add hadthisfeeling
friend add inked_wiccan
friend add intuitivewiccan
friend add islegendary
friend add iwantafamily
friend add jokesthatmatter
friend add justaddmarbles
friend add justbeenspotted
friend add korsovau
friend add ladyofice
friend add lapsedsaint
friend add lessritual
friend add likeajoan
friend add likedthosepumps
friend add lilgreasemonkey
friend add ltnuhura
friend add macgyverd_it
friend add machinesgoping
friend add makeshisownway
friend add myveryownriot
friend add needtoruleit
friend add notanemptymotto
friend add notcursed
friend add notsawbones
friend add notthatnormal
friend add ohnotespecially
friend add oldoldghost
friend add re_formed
friend add revivedqueen
friend add savethemoney
friend add semimuscular
friend add sexterity
friend add sgmitchell
friend add shifty_business
friend add sirachi
friend add skyfrome
friend add slasher_slayer
friend add suckmychest
friend add survivor_first
friend add taxonmods
friend add tendstoramble
friend add thecheerleader
friend add theextras
friend add the_flyingman
friend add theonlysunshine
friend add therealcaptjack
friend add thesecondslayer
friend add tiberiuskirk
friend add tothelibrary
friend add traveling_rose
friend add valaunbound
friend add vlognraid
friend add who_never_would
friend add witbyndmeasure