Apr 01, 2011 00:08

Oh, those aliens and their neverending indecisiveness. Not pleased with the climate of New Zealand, they’ve decided to exchange that for the weather of San Fransisco, California. (Change based on the second place winner from the last weather poll.)

One-half of your mods are native San Antonians, so for us April means Fiesta, and thus it will so too for Taxon. Party, we say? Yes, ~party~, but also a way of remembering those who fought and died in the Battle of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto during the Texas Revolution. Of course, as last month and months past have shown us, the aliens don't care much for the cultural significance of things and go straight for the glitzier, glamier areas.

The city will be in party mode in honor of both Fiesta (how do the aliens shot proper research) and the second annual Taxoniversary. A carnival will appear on the northern edge of Speares and stay open all month long. Extras will also be in on the celebrations, decorating their shops and homes, as well as forming mariachi bands and performing all over the city, whether you want them to or not.

→ PLEASE fill out your permissions meme if you haven't already! We need one from everyone.
→ Go ahead and make a phone post, too, if you so desire!
→ Don't forget, you can glitch your character individually at any time by going through our glitch requests, get your character more stuff from home with item petitions, and have them earn money by getting them a job.
→ Remember to use the hiatus post in the mod journal when you go on hiatus. A post in the OCC comm is much more likely to escape our notice than a comment to the official post.
→ Check out the calendar for events and the activity records for your current activity check status.
→ TAG ALL OF YOUR POSTS! When you make posts and when you tag into someone else's. Commenting on a post, but failing to tag your character will not count towards the activity check. Please remember to do this so proper credit is given and active characters remain free of being swept.
→ Taxon isn’t the only one that has a birthday! Don’t forget to let us know when your characters birthdays (and yours!) are so we can add them to the calendar, and you can give them a ridiculous cake to celebrate their successful aging courtesy of the hamsters!

ETA: → We're adding a new place to our contact page for additional methods of contact, so please go and leave us links if you're so inclined! This will include things like plurk and twitter, as well as any other messaging services you use frequently to make sure we can all stay as in touch with one another as possible!

If all else fails, or is just hard to find, hit up our link directory featured right at the top of the mod journal. Also, you don't have to wait for one of the HMDs to give us your thoughts. If you have ideas for Taxon that you'd like to share with us (including more cultural events, which we’d love to do more of), you can comment at any time to the suggestions or complaints posts.

This month, the hatches will be continuing on with the free booze theme, but instead of green beer, you'll receive margaritas. If you want to get wasted for free, you gotta work for it. In addition to the tequila, you'll get a free side order of brightly colored confetti with everything you hatch. For free of charge, the hatches will also have available: cascarones (confetti eggs, good luck charms that are smashed into peoples' hair), tissue paper flowers, piñatas, tamalas, paletas (fruit ice pops), and oysters.

As you may have noticed, there was a little interruption in Taxon’s new radio broadcasting service. It won't be an isolated incident.

Interruptions will continue intermittently from now on, at least once a week. These ongoing transmissions will be shorter, lasting just long enough to be noticeable, and will be cut off with the usual loud feedback before any voices can be discerned.

It has been two years, dear Taxon. Two wonderful, horrible shenanigan filled years. Obviously that means someone needs to get a little to excited about the anniversary celebration and flood the city for a three-day long party!

Upstairs, someone is going to get a little program-happy. Getting characters one at a time is so old school, so passe, so square! Why bother waiting for new characters and drama when you can just take everything you have and stick it into the environment all at once? And what better time to implement this grand plan of overflow than on the successful program's second birthday?

Starting on April 15th, herefore known as Tax Day, and continuing all the following weekend, the city of Taxon will be filled to brimming with every single character, visitor, and 'other' imaginable. They'll arrive direct to the city, skipping the arrival room entirely to get right to the traditional trolling. When it's all over, everyone has the option to wipe their characters memories of the event if the trolling got to be too much or canon puncture-y.

Everything will be taking place in a separate community, taxwalling, and posts by taken characters there will count toward activity check. All kinds of characters will be welcome, including those not normally appable in Taxon. So, bring in those characters you play elsewhere, bring in your old favorites, tell your friends and have them bring their Ke$has to shower us with glitter! Tax Day only comes once a year, after all.

We'll be putting up another post the Sunday before with more precise information on how it all works, some metaplot surprises, and all the OOC plotting and joking about you can handle!

Spring's rolling on in and summer's just right around the corner. Things are surely to get interesting CR-wise with all this warm weather, so don't pass this meme up!

What's been going on: A quick summary of what's up with your character and how they're doing.

Things to do this month: Anything you'd like to do with them this month. CR requests, plot requests, "I'd really like them to have x kind of development but idk how to go about it, any ideas," whatever you want to get to this month or a plot you want to start rolling for the months to come.

state of the taxon, modly post

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