Oct 21, 2010 23:45
What's that? There is a yearning in your soul to know just how you're doing in the eyes of your peers?
Of course there is, Taxlings, and that's because it's HMD time once again.
Please comment here with the names of the characters you play and others will reply with their feedback- and it's obviously a given that this feedback will be helpful, constructive and respectful. Also, as amazing as getting ILU comments is, it's nice to hear why and what we're doing right just as much as criticism needs to be constructive.
We hope you're all enjoying the new formatting leniency and phone posts! Just please be sure to check the subject lines (both of what you're responding to and what you're responding as) when you're tagging around, because now that's the only way we can differentiate between post types.
Anonymous commenting is enabled and IP logging is off for your convenience should you require it!
how's my driving,
modly post