lame intro is lame

Feb 19, 2010 10:37

hhhhhhhhhhhhi :O

Noob here, with a name apparently some of you will recognize :I! I'm Cori, bringing you John H. Watson, M.D., who's here to take names and give prescriptions -- wait. Well, he's a Victorian age doctor who survived a war in Afghanistan despite the battle wounds, near-useless leg, and horrendous fevers he contracted like it was his job. He's also a Victorian age man who gets dragged around by another Victorian age man for help with the most bizarre and unreal murder and theft cases known to man. They also share a home. And clothes. Sort of.

:U Not that you all didn't know this already, amirite. He's going to be really out of his element with all of this crazy new-fangled technology, but he's smart, and a quick learner. For more information AKA his entirely too long app, go here.

As for me, I have work all day. :[[[ So I'll have to wait to get him into the swing of things until either later tonight (likely) or sometime during the day tomorrow.

My abandoned journal is item, and I can be reached on AIM @ failbender. I also have a plurk & twitter for those interested :U /nerrrrrrrd

I look forward to playing with everyone! ♥♥
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