六 [Visual/Location: The Holodeck] Hallowed are the what now?

Aug 06, 2009 00:48

Inara wakes up gradually, and as she becomes more conscious a few things become obvious more or less right away.

First, she is not in her shuttle. She's in a fairly featureless room, sitting in--

Make that confined in a large chair of some kind.

Secondly, she is sore. She feels as though she has been through a very vigorous fight, and was not exactly on the winning side.

Third, her clothes are...odd. She's in some sort of clingy black outfit and her hair is up.

"Hello?" She calls out, and her voice is hoarse. As if she'd done a lot of shouting recently. She tugs at the restraints that are holding her in the chair and they prove to be quite firmly secured, but after some wriggling she feels her tablet in her pocket. She shifts and wriggles some more until buttons are pressed more or less at random by the arm of the chair, and is now broadcasting a visual feed. Even if the only visual supplied is the black fabric of her pocket it should still pick up her voice, though.

"Hello?" She tries again. "This is Inara Serra of Serenity's crew...I seem to be...captured? Is anyone there?"

[OOC: There we go, glitch end! Huzzah! You may all go about your business now >D Unless you want to get in on the big last confrontation with Adria which is still being planned out, in which case go here!]

{ daniel jackson, { simon tam, { topher brink, { inara serra, { vala mal doran, { charlotte blaine

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