010 [Location: Daniel's House] Happy Birthday?

Jul 15, 2009 18:36

Vala had long since abandoned her less than valiant domestic goddess attempts for Daniel's birthday. She was hardly going to impress Daniel with bread that was as dense as a rock and seafood paella that was... well the bottom of it seemed to have become one with the pan. How the hell anybody is supposed to do all that and manage to look glamorous at the same time is beyond her.

The majority of the food has been slung in the trash, Daniel's kitchen looks like the contents of the fridge exploded in there and the paella/pan mutant thing has been flung out of the back door in aggravation.

In lieu of her own cooking, she's going for cheat mode instead - hatched haute cuisine - which Daniel doesn't need to know about. She just needs to get this mess cleaned up and make herself look beautiful again, a dress without paella down the front would probably be preferable.

The table is set, candles ready to be lit, hatched food will only take seconds, so she opts for the change of clothes and sorting out her rollers and hair first, then she'll come back and tackle the mess. She's got loads of time before he'll return by her reckoning...

{ daniel jackson, { vala mal doran

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