[Location: Sunnydale Beach/Visual] What in the rutting hell?

Jul 13, 2009 17:58

She'd kept to herself, mostly. Staying the hell away from Summers had kept her from strangling anyone. And, well, her interaction with that Billy guy hadn't been a shining example of her sparkly personality, but he was asking for it. Thinking he was better than everyone else. That he had more important stuff to do. Spun.

Wandering around one afternoon, Melaka had found herself at the beach, looking out at the artificial ocean and her heart seemed to freeze up in her chest. "Jesu...." she muttered quietly. Living in Haddyn, the Frays hadn't exactly gotten the chance to go to the beach where the water was clean and blue and you could almost see to the bottom.

Stepping out onto the sand, Mel crossed to the water's edge, taking her shoes off, tossing them over her shoulder. Her brow furrowed as she stood in the shallows, the water up to her ankles. She wiggled her toes, feeling the wet sand and water surround them, and it was...oddly calming.

As Melaka moved to sit, her hand had brushed her arm awkwardly and she'd accidentally turned on the visual function. Crossing her arms, she rested them on the tops of her knees, giving whoever was looking a shot of the usually gruff slayer with a somewhat serene look on her face.

{ dawn summers, { melaka fray, buffy summers, { cordelia chase

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