Leonard's sat on the bed in his crummy motel room, adding to the Taxon tattoo he's given himself on his right inner forearm. He has the tablet open because he text stored some important information on there about how people arrive here, in a metal chamber and the whole transmat beam deal. Maybe if he remembered half the shit about Taxon besides the minimal 'Taxon - Stuck Here - Hatches free food/cash' he currently has botch tattooed on his arm he'd be able to reply to people's tablet submissions more and wouldn't feel so damn clueless and actually get his head round this place. But after spilling the ink on the bed and getting distracted cleaning it up, now he's forgotten what he was even doing, and what the fuck he was supposed to be tattooing.
His shirt's off, revealing the full array of his
chest and arm tattoos, next to him is the now empty pot of indian ink, a huge black ink stain on the bed covers, several needles and a bottle of JD for the pain and cleaning the needles and the wound. The red raw inked tattoo wound which is now not even barely started, save for a capital 'A'.
At some point during the ink spilling, Leonard knocked the tablet into holo record mode, and his 'fucks' and 'shits' and frustration at forgetting have all been recorded. Angrily, he grabs the JD bottle and just starts to drink the bourbon instead.