[ accidental audio / visual ] won't someone make my heavy heart light;

Dec 14, 2011 15:51

For Jenna, things had recently been pretty normal as far as Taxon goes. Gain people, lose double. Lose one, gain none. She was starting to learn the ins and outs of the city and hated what she'd come to notice ( Read more... )

jenna sommers, (day), fitz kreiner, helen magnus, dg, /system glitch

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[ visual | locked ] longaevus December 15 2011, 18:50:49 UTC
Jenna? [ Oh, this was not good. Helen had first met her when Elena had left before and now either something had happened or she'd left ]

Would you like some company? [ It was the least that she could do ]


[ visual | locked ] auntjenna December 18 2011, 02:18:27 UTC
[ she paused for a moment. well... company would be nice. the crown of her forehead appears over the counter... and then her eyes. ]

Depends on how much you feel up to dealing with. There's a lot of glass here. [ she may or may not have dropped a second bottle by now. ]


[ visual | locked ] longaevus December 18 2011, 16:51:19 UTC
Glass is no problem. Where are you?


[ visual | locked ] auntjenna December 18 2011, 19:52:52 UTC
At home... The house that came with me, anyway. [ she gives a general description of the area. ]


[ visual | locked ] -> [ location: jenna sommer's house ] longaevus December 19 2011, 19:22:33 UTC
I'll see you shortly.

[ And ten minutes later? Have a polite knock on the door ]


[ location: jenna sommer's house ] auntjenna December 21 2011, 03:41:49 UTC
[ jenna hasn't really... moved by this point. she does get up to answer the door, but she's entirely too fascinated by the broken glass to want to clean it up yet. no, she's not drunk yet; it just seems like a good way to spend time reflecting... in broken glass.

she pulls open the door with a weary smile. ]

Glad to see you could find the place. [ stepping back now. pause. well... helen's certainly proven she's trustworthy as far as jenna can tell. whether it's needed or not: ] Come on in.


longaevus December 22 2011, 14:57:02 UTC
[ Helen gave her a small smile before stepping inside, moving no further from the door until Jenna lead her inside ]

I'm always happy to help. [ Or perhaps more so willing? It's not been the most happiest of times, recently ] You've a lovely home, Jenna.


auntjenna December 27 2011, 16:55:41 UTC
[ jenna will motion for helen to follow her into the kitchen. at least this is where all the food and drinks are. ]

Thanks. [ she sounds hesitant at that. oh the awkward... but it's not like it's a secret back home, so she goes to explain. ] I still don't really think of it as mine. It was my sister and brother-in-law's house. I only moved in to take care of Jeremy and Elena after Miranda and Grayson died.

[ it's still a fairly open wound, but at least now she can talk about it without sounding so upset about it. ]

Can I get you anything? A drink or something to eat? [ jenna, you are terrible about changing the subject. ]


longaevus December 29 2011, 15:35:06 UTC
[ And the glass, which Helen will slowly start scooping up (the larger pieces, for now )

You've done a good job in taking care of it, for them then. [ Did that sound a little insensitive? She didn't mean it so, but it was a lovely home whether or not Jenna felt like it was hers ]

Do you have any tea? [ It's always worth a try, although she's used to the answer being no. And the first lot of glass will be making its way into a bin, now ]


auntjenna December 29 2011, 16:29:57 UTC
[ jenna will... sigh a bit and work on helping out with that while they talk. if helen's sensitive to smells, she might catch a whiff of vervain from jenna's necklace as they work. ]

...Thank you. [ it actually doesn't sound negative at all to her. it's taken as a high compliment. ] It's all I have left of my sister now.

[ the question makes her pause for just a second as they both stick the bigger pieces of glass in the trashcan by the island counter. jenna grabs a dust pan and small broom, sticking them by the rest of the glass as she stands up and heads to her cabinets. ] Yeah, I do. It's- [ what elena used to keep her safe from vampires. ] -something my niece got my hooked on. What kind do you like? I probably have more than is healthy.


longaevus December 29 2011, 17:32:42 UTC
[ She is only from having to put her nose to things... in a medical means. As for the vervain? She can smell it, although she makes no comment on it given that she doesn't quite know what it is - or entirely where it's from ]

Whichever your niece favours least. [ In case she comes back, again. And she's lived enough and tasted enough that she truly doesn't mind so much. But she's glad to here that there's someone else here that she can enoy some tea with ]


auntjenna December 29 2011, 17:44:32 UTC
Green then. She was never a fan of that.

[ she'll just set the kettle on the stove, turn it on, and start getting the cups all nice and ready. her habit is to stick vervain in the cups, but she hesitates for a second. this time, the vervain will only go in her cup, just like when caroline was living with her.

once it's a matter of waiting on the kettle to heat up, she kneels back down and starts sweeping up the remaining fragments. ]

Thank you, by the way. [ for coming to help her, mostly. ] Sometimes it's hard to be alone.


longaevus December 29 2011, 18:44:48 UTC
[ Helen collected a little more glass up as Jenna made the tea, although careful not to be in her way as she did so. When Jenna added the vervain to her cup, something that Helen thought curious (although again, she had no idea what it was - a special sweetener, or medication?) ]

You're welcome. It's something I understand all too well. [ All too well it was indeed. Although she'd shown no signs of ageing for over a century there was still something about her when you looked at her, if you looked closely enough, that told of her age. It was often said that your eyes were the windows to your soul. Although they didn't look aged in themselves they had something about them, something that made it seem as if she'd seen far more (and even lived far longer) than her body would ever show ]


auntjenna December 29 2011, 19:12:47 UTC
[ a form of medication that jenna could not live without. quite literally in some cases, especially if katherine came back with any ideas. ]

It was fine with my niece and her friend Caroline, but then they left and now... it's a little lonely. The house is big for one person. [ which was partly why she'd asked caroline to live with her, too. that and protection. ]

I'll get the rest up with the mini-vacuum later. [ at least the most dangerous pieces were gone now. a little bit longer and the kettle started whistling. that's two cups of tea now poured. jenna places helen's cup on the counter in front of one of the chairs, stirring her own a bit to get the vervain into the tea water. ]

You're... probably wondering about the smell. [ it does smell a bit, though it's a good smell to her. jenna makes her way to the other chair at the counter and sits down with her steaming cup. ] It's an herb, supposedly good for you.


longaevus December 29 2011, 20:58:06 UTC
[ Helen nodded, understanding. Until James had arrived it had been only her in the Sanctuary, an emptiness that it hadn't had since she'd first opened it. Even now it was still too quiet without the familiar cries of her residents or things to do in that kind of routine

She gave her a smile when the tea arrived, popping the last few bits that she had in the bin before taking the seat ] Thank you.

[ She hadn't been wanting to ask, not to pry - she was all to aware of privacy and trust, especially with world differences and those here that you needed to be weary of, but hearing Jenna tell her on her own made her a little happy. It was a small sign of trust? ] What's it called?


auntjenna December 29 2011, 21:23:05 UTC
[ jenna hesitated slightly as she stirred her tea. ] It's called vervain. It's got protective properties, too. I don't tend to talk openly about it on the tablets and I would have offered you some but I wasn't sure if you were allergic. Some people back home in Mystic Falls are. [ people who were vampires.

she took a small sip of her tea before setting it down on the counter and reaching up to show off her necklace. ]

This has vervain in it, too. A precautionary thing more than anything else.


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