"So... that's a whisky, two strawberry daquiris, and... a diet coke. Got it. Be right back!" She can feel the smile stretching her skin tight, trying to keep the level of cheer expected by The Powers that Be... in this case, the guys running the place. This polyester renaissance horror show that is her job right now, it manages to pay the bills
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"Buffy, isn't it?" He remembers her.... but she apparently doesn't remember Taxon. One of the repeats, then. "Paul Smecker. I'd say welcome to Taxon but it's not exactly the sort of place one wants to be welcomed to."
Not that she's necessarily wanting to, what with the doom and gloom that's been hinted at by, well, everyone. Buffy's half expecting pits of fire and clouds of acid.
"So, just to be clear-- you're Buffy-who-has-a-sister-named-Dawn, you're from somewhere called Sunnydale that is very hell-on-earth, you're all anti-monster? Because if you're already used to the weird shit, that reduces the amount of explanation time I spend on the 'I'm-not-crazy, really' aspect of things."
"Dawn is here?" Her voice is steady, just barely.
"...no. Not anymore," he says after a few seconds, sounding a bit more human and a bit less cynical rattling-off-facts-about-your-life-nobody-should-know.
"I'm sorry. She was here, but she's... well, generally, we like to think people get sent home when they vanish from here. And then, a lot of the time... they come back too, too. I've met... I've met you before, but most people don't remember their little vacations here."
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