07 [visual / location: martha's surgery] I'm such a dubious soul

Jul 11, 2011 11:06

Fitz finished washing his hands and glanced up at the bathroom mirror to find the Doctor behind him, leaning against the door jamb and smiling. For a few moments all Fitz could do was gawp as he studied the familiar features - the tousled chestnut hair, the bright blue eyes, the cravat and the velvet coat. Even after six months apart he knew with ( Read more... )

jenna sommers, fitz kreiner, /system glitch, wyatt cain, drusilla (au), @ central, martha jones, (day), { temperance brennan, mayland long

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[ visual ] bonescientist July 11 2011, 19:06:03 UTC
"Peculiar?" The unusual query caught Brennan's curiosity. The scientist tilted her head inquisitively, a tiny frown marring her brow. "What do you mean by peculiar, exactly?"


[ visual ] rereremembered July 13 2011, 14:33:35 UTC
"Exactly? People showing up who aren't there." And Fitz was still looking down the hall, willing the Doctor to round the corner. "Sounds barmy but that's what happened, and I don't want to take my chances in this place."


[ visual ] bonescientist July 18 2011, 17:30:48 UTC
Brennan took a moment to mull that over.

"You saw someone in the mirror who isn't in Taxon? Someone from your home, I assume?" she clarified thoughtfully. "Are you certain? Visual disturbances or hallucinations can occur if one suffers from sleep deprivation, organic disorders of the brain or drug and alcohol related illnesses."

She paused again. "Of course, there's always a possibility that it's alien interference, here."


[ visual ] rereremembered July 21 2011, 17:53:57 UTC
"Been sleeping all right, no drugs, not drinking any more than usual." Nope, not touching organic disorders at all. "I just hope it's not like last time we were seeing ghosts."

No, those had been insubstantial and appeared everywhere. The Doctor had seemed far more real.


[ visual ] bonescientist July 23 2011, 21:48:43 UTC
Brennan notices him skipping past one item on the list, but before she has the time to press the issue, he's mentioning something else that's completely ludicrous. (Brennan, you've been kidnapped by hamster aliens, lived through a zombie apocalypse and chatted with vampires - and you think ghosts are weird? You're doing it wrong.)

"Ghosts?" She wracked her brain, trying to remember such an instance. "How long have you been in Taxon?"


[ visual ] rereremembered August 4 2011, 18:10:39 UTC
Alien-induced insanity runs in his family, and while the Doctor had long ago removed the leech that would have caused it (because his canon is absurd) Fitz still tends to dodge the subject.

"Oh, that was back...Christ, last summer, first time I was here." Not long after the Master had tortured him and look at all these things he'd rather not think about. "I was here six months last year, then gone for a year or so by my timeline, then came back in February."

Just in time to get killed by zombies. And we have a trauma trifecta.


[ visual ] bonescientist August 7 2011, 15:58:20 UTC
"You returned and you remember everything that happened the last time you were here?" Brennan queried, a slight edge of curiosity in her tone. "That's an incredibly rare occurrence, as I understand it."

The predominant scientist side in Brennan was intrigued by the news. Her head tilted as she scrutinized Fitz thoughtfully as if he was some sample under a lens of a microscope, the cogs turning swiftly as she puzzled this out - perhaps there was some sensible connection there? Some actual reason why he remembered where so many others didn't?

"Have you any thoughts yourself about why you remember your previous visit to Taxon when people usually do not?"


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