[Visual/Location | Outside the Sanctuary]

Jun 26, 2011 04:53

Over the past several days, Connor had made a habit of routinely checking each exit as he passed, having taken to wandering and exploring the furthest corners of the Sanctuary, just in case their situation had changed. He had heard Wesley say something once about the definition of insanity, performing the same task over and over and expecting different results. Well. He felt that in this particular situation, he should be exempt from such a label. After all. The aliens had implied that the relocation was temporary, or so the initial message on the tablet when he had first woken up there had lead him to believe.

Still, he was surprised when one door actually gave way during his morning rounds. He stared down at his hand a moment before giving the door another push, and when it swung freely, he darted through it and into the sunlight that bathed the front facade of the building, welcoming its warmth after being shut indoors for so long. Being confined had never agreed with him, really. Reaching for his tablet, he quickly fumbled his way through the video settings and started the feed.

"I found a door that opened for me. I'm outside now. I think we might all be able to leave." He glanced upwards then, and something struck him as odd -- the distinct cityscape in front of the Sanctuary had changed.

"Um," he went on, eloquent as always. "It looks different out here."

jenna sommers, (day), { connor, @ central, { angel

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