0001 element . arrival . video

Jun 12, 2011 19:08

Where was she? How did she get here? Where was Korben? Where was multipass? Where was home? Where was bed? Where was water? Leeloo's mind spun as she crept about the room. Her bare feet made light sounds on the metal as she cautiously moved, back slightly arched, head craned. Her hyper hearing listened to the metal grinding, the sound of her feet upon the floor. The pitter patter of water from her still-wet hair. Autowash was always good to her. She was not in Autowash. Her mind swam. Her thoughts ran. She gathered her wits.

Leeloo Dallas Multipass. That was her name. Mrs. Dallas. At least, that is what many people said. Korben was unsure, but Leeloo could already take to it. The other Mrs. Dallas wasn't so taken. She was actually quite critical, and nosy. According to Korben. Leeloo was quite content to sit and watch Korben's portly mother launch into her loud, animated speeches about how ungrateful Korben was and the amount of pain she'd suffered giving birth. Leeloo had asked many questions after each speech, and the reactions varied from outrage to fluster. Korben was always a mixed of horrified and amused as he rushed to push his mother out of his and Leeloo's apartment.

"She is not pleased with me," a deflated Leeloo would confide in Korben at night, as she was snug against his warm body on their small bed. Korben would lace his arms about Leeloo and whisper against the soft skin of her brow, "She's not pleased with me either. So that makes two of us."

Soft laughter and a smile.


Korben's soft lips against her skin.

Leeloo couldn't hear her supposed Mother-in-Law.


Nobody was calling for Mrs. Dallas.

Korben wasn't here. The strong, musky scent of him was gone. So were the blankets she'd been wrapped in, and the warm conditioning. Cold. She felt it on her skin.

"Korrrben," she softly said. A whisper within the room. She outstretched her arms, attempting to feel for her surroundings. "This game is not funny," she attempted to admonish the open air, searching fruitlessly for her love. After another minute of investigations, Leeloo gave in to the fact that she was without her beloved, and folded her arms against her body, attempting to keep warm. she missed her and Korben's warm bed.

"Not here..."

She then heard something break the silence. She turned her head. Her eyes scanned the room.

Atop a large pedestal sat a device of sorts.

She turned about on her heel. "Something is..."

# intro post, (anytime), { kurt wagner, { spock, mayland long, { leela, { leeloo dallas multipass

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