[TEXT] (backdated to the text-only portion of the glitch)

May 29, 2011 22:24

Dear Fellow Residents of Taxon,

Is this enforced muteness a widespread situation? I find it disconcerting, although I find the quiet is appealing. This city is too loud, and too busy. In its defense, however, find it admirably clean. It is more concerning to me that so many people appear to be illiterate. I know that education is not a privilege that everyone has had the pleasure of receiving, but I had been made to feel as though it would be the rule here rather than the exception. Is there not a school of some sort, where people can learn their letters properly?

I must take this time to extend my gratitude, though I admit I am somewhat loathe to do it, to Mr. Damon Salvatore, for your very kind gifts. Even though I do not understand your purpose.

I do especially think the hats are very grand.

Are any of you enough acquainted with a Mr. Don Draper, that you can tell me that he is well? I would not necessarily care, if it were not for my sense of Christian duty that I be sure he has not drunk himself to death as yet.

It would be nice if writing could be done by pen and paper as it is meant to be, and not by pushing little lettered buttons.

Yours very sincerely,

Mattie Ross.

{ angela dodson, { damon salvatore, (anytime), mayland long, { mattie ross (au), @ wilde

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