[ holo ] [ location: sanctuary ]

May 15, 2011 17:23

Kurt's departure from McKinley's New Directions club had been bittersweet at best. He spent the car ride home in silence as he attempted to digest the news of his transfer to Dalton. McKinley had been his home away from home, and although that was not longer the case and circumstances had changed, it still gave him that sinking trapdoor feeling and twisted up his insides. He did not even notice that they had arrived home when they did.

There was the reassuring squeeze of a hand on his shoulder, startling Kurt out of his daze. The boy looked up to find his father and give him a smile, watery and thin but genuine because that squeeze was exactly the gesture that always comforted and uplifted him. "I'll be up in a bit, I just need a moment to myself," he'd said, somewhat breathlessly. After his family had gone inside, Kurt sighed to himself.

Quickly as he could, he reorganized his thoughts and stepped out of the car only to find that he was no longer in his own driveway. Kurt gasped and stumbled backwards, hoping to have the sturdy frame of his car for support. Unfortunately, it wasn't there and he wound up stepping off the edge of the platform on which he stood. Kurt tumbled down a couple of steps with a loud yelp before managing to catch himself and he slowly picked himself up with a groan. He really wished that could have been more graceful, but at least no one saw that, right?

His first instinct was to straighten his outfit, his hair, and his bag before he circling around the room frantically. "Dad?" The features of the room were overwhelming, but not in a pleasant way. He liked contemporary, sleek design, but this was too artificial, too harsh, and there were no soft elements to offset it at all. "Finn? Carole?" he called out with subtly increasing distress as he inspected the walls for an exit. As he circled the perimeter, he grumbled, "it's like I walked into a hideous sci-fi convention set and I am not down for a surprise game of space alien laser tag anytime soon," before finding there was no discernible exit. He immediately and angrily pulled out his phone to call for assistance but there was no signal.

So Kurt did what every sensible teen too attached to technology does when their phone doesn't work: hold it up and parade around the room like a moron until he could get a signal.

Someone should most definitely point him in the right direction away from his phone.

# intro post, { elisa maza (au), @ central, { stefen, quinn fabray, { kurt hummel

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