[VOICE] Transmitting via WTAX Radio - First Broadcast

Apr 11, 2011 10:40

[Loki spotted the building a week or so ago, on one of his wanderings, and ever since an insane plan has been percolating in his brain. The weekend party was awesome, but today it's quiet again and he's reminded of the things he misses from home. Like bullshitting clergy members and discussing every inane topic under the sun with Bartleby.

Shit, he misses Bartleby.

So today he makes his way back to the little building with WTAX painted on the side, and discovers that it's frighteningly easy to talk the Extras into letting him have access to the equipment.]

Well what do you know, Taxon! I guess they'll let anybody on the radio these days. It seems to me that you people have a lot of questions, and nobody up top wants to give you any answers. So let me offer my humble services, and many, many...fucking many years of experience.

Hello, I'm Loki, how can I advise you today?

[Treat this like a call-in advice show, ask any questions you like, or just yell at Loki for being annoying. Modlies, is there any chance of a WTAX tag maybe? :D?]

{ angela dodson, { dawn summers, { jenny, @ osten, { liz parker, (anytime), @ wtax (radio), mayland long, { loki, { amy pond

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