[holo] oh how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way

Mar 19, 2011 23:19

[Mattie feels the ground give way under her feet, panic closing off her throat as she begins to fall, scrabbling uselessly at dirt and brush ( Read more... )

# intro post, { don draper, { mattie ross (au), @ central, (anytime), { elisa maza (au), { godric, { stefan salvatore

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[visual] garg_elisa March 20 2011, 04:05:26 UTC
Elisa sizes up the clothes and general dialog for a second and comes to the conclusion that this girl may be from quite some time back. Or possibly a historical recreationist. She gives that about a thirty-percent chance.

Either way, she probably should sit this arrival out. But the girl also doesn't look much younger than Angela or Elisa's sister or Maggie, and that's enough to open up her heart.

Still, she wishes her tablet would connect to arrivals on something other than a visual.

"I can hear you," she says. "And I can help you get out too."


[visual] verylittlesugar March 20 2011, 04:12:44 UTC
The new voice and face garner a more startled reaction than the first, partly because Mattie was not expecting a second to appear, and partly because this second one has a much startling appearance.

"I prefer that you tell me where I am and how I came to be here." If she wasn't sure about touching the source of the images before, she's certainly made up her mind about it now. As a general rule, Mattie doesn't hold with superstitions. But she's been raised a good God-fearing child, and there are some things that will shake even her own stubborn confidence.


Re: [visual] garg_elisa March 20 2011, 04:24:04 UTC
Well, that could have been a lot worse.

"You're in a city called Taxon," Elisa begins. "I don't know where it is, or what country its in."

Or even what planet. Though her own body synced to the rhythms here well enough.

"But you were abducted. Brought here... basically, to be watched."


[visual] verylittlesugar March 20 2011, 04:31:07 UTC
Mattie doesn't care to let strangers see her as anything other than self-assured and in-charge. Later, perhaps, when she's come to know people a little better...

"I have never heard of such a place." Not that she's traveled widely enough to claim to know of every town that exists, of course. "And I do not remember being abducted."

Inside, though, she's worried that maybe not remembering a thing doesn't make it untrue.


Re: [visual] garg_elisa March 20 2011, 04:45:44 UTC
"I don't think anyone here does," she explains. "They got me me while I was asleep."

She shakes her head. "No one's heard of this place before they got here."


[visual] verylittlesugar March 20 2011, 04:59:49 UTC
"Who are these people who've abducted me, then?" Maybe if she can get some information from that quarter, it'll be easier for Mattie to figure out how to get out of this frustrating room and back to where she belongs.


Re: [visual] garg_elisa March 20 2011, 05:19:16 UTC
"They're, ah, aliens. I haven't actually seen them... but I've been told they look like hamsters."

She pauses. "And yes, I'm aware of how insane that sounds."


[visual] verylittlesugar March 21 2011, 00:13:16 UTC
"Hamsters." That is just about the most ridiculous thing Mattie's ever heard, and her tone says so. "I cannot find it in myself to accept that I have been imprisoned by hamsters, I do care from how far off they hail."


Re: [visual] garg_elisa March 21 2011, 00:20:04 UTC
"I've been working on the assumption that it's some kind of disguise on their part, though I don't have any proof of it," Elisa says.


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