003 ♂ [voice || A Central Bar]

Mar 17, 2011 15:22

There are various noises coming a short distance away from the microphone, including chatter, chairs being pulled out, music, and the sound of liquid filling a glass. A gruff voice, much closer to the tablet says, "Gimme another." Then a pause. "They're still free, right?"

"Oh, yes sir!" a cheery Extra's voice answers. "All month."

"Make it a double then."

Jayne sets his elbows on the bar and puts his head in his hands. He had settled well enough into Taxon, and had even seen it as a possibly good thing. No Mal to boss him around. No Zoe to carry out Mal's stupid orders. No Doc being pompous. And getting a monthly allowance for doing nothing more than breathing... Taxon just needed a whorehouse to be the ideal place.

But then the zombies had come. Luckily he had avoided being chomped on, but it was a hell of an ordeal, and now he knew what Kaylee had meant when she had first explained the downside of the place to him.

Another downside had occurred to him recently. Jayne had always been a greedy man. But while part of that was simple selfishness on his part, his lust for money wasn't all about buying shiny things for himself. Half of his cut from jobs had always been sent home to help his family. His Pa was too old to work now and Mattie was always in poor health and needed medicine. His Ma always sent him letters praising him for the money he'd sent, but what about now? Did time really stand still outside this place? What if it didn't? What if Ma and Pa and Mattie were waiting for that money from him? Getting 350 credits a month was great, but what was the use of it if it couldn't be sent out?

"Here you are, sir!" There was the sound of the glass being set on the bar, but a moment later there was a loud BANG as the glass was slammed back down after a long gulp.

"What the hell's the point of all this?"


"I mean, what d'these here aliens get outta this? They gotta feed us, pump air in here, give us water, all that gou shi*. Why the hell they botherin'? Are they really gettin' entertained watchin' us sit around all day, bein' ruttin' bored as hell? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm likin' the rest, when we ain't gettin' chased by zombies that is, but this place gets borin' fast, don't it?"

"I uh, I don't..."

"Aw, hell, why I askin' you? Y'ain't even real. Get outta here."

The sound of feet hurrying away was practically drowned out by Jayne's heavy sigh.

[gou shi = crap]

[ooc: I just realized, this should be forward dated to after the Angelus event, so people aren't still in hiding, lol.]

{ james t. kirk, { don draper, { spencer reid, (anytime), { rose, { jayne cobb, @ central

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