015 [ accidental voice | location: caritas ]

Dec 06, 2010 23:38

[Spike had thought having Buffy back would make everything good again. But no, that would be too nice. He should have known better. Now Spike's pretty sure both Summers women are mad at him, though he should check back with Dawn, maybe she's feeling more charitable now that Buffy's back.

But that can happen later. Now he's at Caritas, drowning his sorrows. Again.]

Hate this bloody place. [His voice comes out a little slurred.] And the bloody, bloody hamsters and their bloody meddling.

[He takes another long swig from the bottle. Oh, vampire healing, you are the only reason Spike's liver hasn't curled up and died from all this abuse.]

Can I get another one?

{ alexia branson, { spike, @ osten, { john casey

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