[ voice ] cutting off the phone leave me the fuck alone (tomorrow i'll be begging you to come home)

Oct 22, 2010 00:36

[ at first, the entry is quiet other than a couple bottles clinking. faith has the best coping skills in all the world, y'all. ]

So, in case anyone gives a shit the ki-- Connor Reilly's gone AWOL. Preppy coffee shop's the same.

[ more silence, more clinking, because faith would never have admitted it but connor is important to her; he's a piece of home who doesn't think she's who she used to be. and having a roommate was kind of nice, too; somebody to come home to. something to count on.

and now he's gone, his shit's gone, and her place is empty again. ]

Yeah, anyway. Whatever, he's got shit to do back in the world. Not like it matters.

[ fumble, fumble, and this part is supposed to be locked to angel but isn't. let's hear it for anger, booze, and faith being fail with computers. ]

Big guy, I-- I'm sorry, okay? And--

[ the sound of faith taking a long swig before admitting ]

It matters. He ever comes back and you tell him I said this and I'll kick your ass, but... it was nice. Living with somebody, you know? New thing for me. And you know I didn't m-- I liked him.

Anyway, whatever. Not like I can do jack about it now.

[ click. ]

{ faith lehane, { spike, { angela montenegro, drusilla (au), @ shelley, { godric, { cordelia chase, { angel

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