X: [ voice | location: castle summers' dungeons ] pardon my past

Oct 15, 2010 05:40

There's an incessant throbbing in Piper's head that just won't go away.

She groans, and opens her eyes. When she does, things start swirling uncontrollably, and the urge to hurl is great. Piper closes her eyes, bites her lip, and rolls to the side until it passes.

Something feels wrong here. It takes her another second to process the fact that she's lying on a cold stone floor, that she's naked, and that her fingers are stinging. Badly. Opening her eyes again, she sees that her hands are bloodied, and that several wooden splinters are still embedded in them.


And that's when everything comes crashing down on her - all the memories of the past day, what she's done, what she's become. "No. Oh... oh god." Piper spots her tablet and kicks it away from her, before scrambling to the very corner of the dungeon. She slides down, hugging her knees to her and resting her forehead on them. She doesn't even resist the urge to tremble and sob.

[ ooc: backdated to the day after the glitch. ]

{ tara maclay, @ shelley, glitch, { charles gunn, { piper halliwell, { the master, dg, kaylee frye, willow rosenberg, { anya jenkins

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