[holo] that one's going to hurt in the morning...

May 24, 2009 23:10

Faith has seen the meaning of life. She feels it in her muscles now, it's not killing things and it isn't redemption. It's Xander Lavelle Harris, with his honest brown eye and that slightly shaggy hair he's got going on. The buttocks are a plus, and oddly enough Faith's finding the patch kind of sexy.

She's never felt this way before, ever, about anything or anyone! She wants to let everyone know about it. Faith Lehane is in love and she might break out in song. She's even humming as she sets her tablet up to make the announcement.

"Hey there, fellow captives," she begins. Faith has to clear her throat before she continues - she's dropping a bomb, here. "I'm Faith for all you uninformed: resident slayer and also ex-con. Well, fugitive. I'm not sure of the classification here, actually." She's gotten off track again, she gets a nagging feeling that she's said too much. Faith takes a deep breath to continue, rolling her shoulder nervously.

"Well, I'm, how do I say it...Xander Harris? I love you. I'm head over heels, barkin' at the moon in love with you. And even if you can't deal, that's cool. I know we have a past and all. Just, you know. I'll be here, waiting, as long as it takes. ...And I'd like four kids, so hurrying would be of the good."

Transmission complete, Faith's satisfied now that everyone will know she's taken and he's spoken for. Life would never be awful for her again, no sir.

ooc: jealous fights encouraged.

{ faith lehane, { xander harris, buffy summers, { jack o'neill, { lucy locke, kaylee frye, willow rosenberg, { luna lovegood, { vala mal doran, { charlotte blaine, { brigitta

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