oo6 ∞ [ visual | location :: wayne manor ] you win some, you lose some

Apr 21, 2010 18:19

When the tablet clicks on, Enfys is still fiddling with it and only half in view; it looks like she's on the floor in the library in Wayne Manor, which probably means that the knees briefly visible on the sofa behind her belong to Bruce. When she has the tablet set up properly on the table, he isn't in view any more but she is (beaming) and it ( Read more... )

{ the brucolac, { sam spade, { penelope june lane, { morgana, { g. enfys llewelyn, { bruce wayne

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Comments 45

deadmanbrucolac April 21 2010, 06:41:34 UTC
"I have rope, hook and carabiner, and a net to catch you in should this plan of yours go horribly wrong." Whatever plan it is. "Speaking of, what in the name of all fuck did you do to your head, you madwoman." The Brucolac smiles down at her on his tablet, jaw propped on the heel of his hand.


dieneidio April 21 2010, 06:44:20 UTC

"Aw, handsome! You think of everything. Want to hover your big boat next to the building while I do it? You can backseat drive and everything." Continuing in the grand Slayer tradition of inappropriate relationships with vampires...but no, Enfys and the Brucolac are just really ridiculous.

She obligingly picks up the tablet to give him the full 360 degree view of her new haircut, though.


deadmanbrucolac April 21 2010, 06:51:20 UTC
"My elegant ship is spoken-for at the moment, but this will not stop me from shouting things at you, should I feel that you require it. Are you locked in some sort of tower? Are there guardians in improbable helmets carrying even-more-improbable-swords?"

...Look, he's got some actual cultural basis for these questions.


dieneidio April 21 2010, 06:55:01 UTC

Enfys mouths 'elegant ship' along with him with her head rocking side to side like she's a trolly child- because sometimes that is exactly what she is, yes, she loves you Brucolac.

"I'm pretty sure he could lock me in if he wanted," she says, speculatively, glancing over her shoulder at Bruce. "Keeping me in, that'd be another thing."


[visual] mancalledspade April 21 2010, 17:16:26 UTC
"I'll bite. What's abseiling?" This without preamble; Spade is nosy enough to just ask.


[ visual ] dieneidio April 21 2010, 17:19:22 UTC

Enfys laughs, tapping her pencil against her hand. "S'when you strap yourself into a flimsy little harness, take a rope, leap off a building or a cliff, and fucking pray. Or rappelling, you could call it that, too."


[ visual ] mancalledspade April 21 2010, 17:28:54 UTC
"And people do this, in situations not involving running from bad men with guns?" he asks, amused.


[ visual ] dieneidio April 21 2010, 17:31:15 UTC

"For fun, Mr Sassy. And sometimes because there are bad men guns, I don't know, I don't judge the lifestyle choices of other people." ...that is probably not a lifestyle choice. Technically.


[Visual] magicalskeptic April 21 2010, 20:01:15 UTC
Morgana simply assumes Enfys's job involves all those duties that revolve around being mistress of the manor (even if Morgana won't use the title aloud).

That's what makes her request such a carefully worded one -- but directly to the point. "Enfys, While you may have your duties at Wayne Manor, I was wondering if you might allow me some benefit of your expertise?"

Enfys is not, in any way, a servant and at least their rodent captors are the ones who have to deal with the distasteful issues of payment.

"And Enfys, you look lovely," Morgana adds. She might actually believe this, or is biased on behalf of her friend, but the motives don't matter, it sounds sincere.


[ visual ] dieneidio April 21 2010, 20:09:47 UTC

"You like it?" Enfys touches her hair- just a little self-consciously- but she beams, too, so she's taking sincerity at face value. Morgana's approval means a little more to her than she likes to let on. "Anyway, of course! What d'you need?"


Re: [ visual ] magicalskeptic April 21 2010, 20:32:22 UTC
"I do, it suits you," because to Morgana, what suits Enfys is whatever Enfys is doing at any given moment in time. Therefore, the hair suits her.

"I am uncertain, if during your stay at the Royal Chambers, you came across the historical records room. It is full of all the histories, and information texts, as well as ledgers and the like." Morgana didn't show it to her, but Enfys might have come across it, as Morgana hadn't placed limits on where the other woman could go.

"Geoffrey of Monmouth had a rather creative," she's being diplomatic, "style of organization. Perhaps you could improve upon it." There might also be a few texts there that might make for and interesting temporary addition to Enfys's collection.

"That is, if Mr. Wayne can spare you."


[ visual ] dieneidio April 21 2010, 20:39:21 UTC

"Oh, yeah! ...yeah, he did, I'd love to have a go at it." The upside of Taxon is that getting books is a lot easier; once she knows what she needs, the hatches are right there to provide her with a spare copy to squirrel away in Wayne Manor's library. It'll be a little more challenging with the newly imposed economy, but she's pretty sure her system will still work. It might just take longer than it used to. Or she'll go back to 'buying books instead of food', which wouldn't be a first. "That's fine, I've got time. I'll just be organizing, anyway."


[visual] meanwhileback April 23 2010, 03:41:27 UTC
"...your hair."

That's all you're gonna get, Enfys. Sorry. Mostly because Penelope doesn't actually know what abseiling is. It may be noticed that Penelope is no longer in residence at Wayne Manor, or so the background of her tablet feed would imply.


[ visual ] dieneidio April 23 2010, 12:10:41 UTC

"You weren't here to stop me," Enfys supplies immediately.


[visual] meanwhileback April 23 2010, 20:53:52 UTC
"What, so this is my fault? I've got a cat to look after, I can't spend all my time making sure you don't cut parts of your body off. That's not my job." Penelope is extraordinarily blasé about this.

"Speaking of jobs, we actually have to have them now. How much bullshit is that?" Apparently she feels it is quite a large amount of bullshit. Angus does too, because it means he has to go back to the cheaper cat food, and he was getting all kinds of fat and spoiled, but he's a cat so who cares what he thinks. Penelope's more worried about having to pay for cigarettes again.


[ visual ] dieneidio April 23 2010, 20:59:09 UTC

"What if I paid you to make sure I don't leave the house looking like whatever it is that makes you want to bash me in the face with a shovel?" Enfys speculates cheerfully- this bitch already has a job, thus making it irritating to have to pay for things but slightly less annoying than it is for a lot of the rest of the (unemployed) city.


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