oo7 » baby you can leave your hat on [ location ::: the palais garnier ]

Apr 15, 2010 11:02

Today on this the glorious fifteenth of April, Taxon has been in business for a full year- and so a celebration is in order, or so apparently think the hamster overlords in charge of tweaking their citizens.

The Palais Garnier is a beautiful place thus far mostly neglected by everyone who isn't its very lovely current owner, and that is a godawful shame that's about to be corrected. One by one the seats are filling up with both the curious and the coerced, the latter finding themselves irresistibly drawn to the opera house whether they really want to be or not. It advertises a new show, for one night only and very definitely R-18, but whatever's going on hasn't quite got underway as arrivals begin trickling in, coats checked and seats shown by the Extra staff that have just seemed to materialize as necessary.

Backstage, things are maybe even more confusing for the seven gentlemen who've been pressganged into service of the city's entertainment. The, er, uniforms are laid out in the dressing rooms and each sized just right, and Glitch's back up dancers are ready and waiting to take the stage when the time comes and the lights go down in the theatre. There is a certain anticipation in the air as preparations make haste so close to the hour; yet more Extras mill through the building preparing the great baroque banquet hall for the meal and afterparty.

Happy Taxon Day, citizens; your headliners for tonight are in last minute prep, but why don't you enjoy the musical stylings of Glitch Langwe's opening act?

What better way to celebrate one full year than six full nudes?

{ tara maclay, { shane hayes, { sam spade, { penelope june lane, { jack benjamin, { solomon koenig, drusilla (au), { bruce wayne, glitch, { levi blakely, { mabel albans, dg, { river tam

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