Since Morgana's (triumphant?) return to the Royal Chambers of Camelot, Arthur has made valiant attempts at ignoring her, after their exceedingly mature bickering match. Sadly, in this context, 'valiant' more or less translates as 'pitiful'. He's well aware that she's by no means up to her usual levels of strength, no matter how she might endeavour
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This, of course, has led to accidentally finding him at odd times of day. Not that Morgana would imply that Arthur, at times, can be a creature of habit, and easy enough to locate, even in a building of this size. It has also led to a variety of monosyllabic conversations, if they speak at all.
Trying to spend a portion of her day doing something useful, her chambers are fairly tidy. Unfortunately, this has worn her out.
All she did was lie down for a moment. She's not really asleep, and that murmur that might've been heard outside the door, is not at all a semi-conscious almost whine at being awakened.
"Er... I can come back later if you want?" He offers, slightly wrong-footed and not sure whether he should just flee while he still has the chance.
Sitting up, Morgana puts her hand to her forehead and then smooths back her hair.
"What do you need, Arthur?" The tone of voice she's using is clearly ennui, not sleepy.
"I was just enquiring whether you've noticed any leaks. In your ceiling. At all."
Wow, he could have put a bit more effort into that one.
Instead, she gives him another chance to say something slightly less ludicrous. "Arthur, you had better come in, I did not hear you correctly."
"Sorry, I didn't realize you were resting," he opens, slightly sheepishly.
"Assuming I am resting would be a safe assumption, as of late," If Morgana sounds frustrated, it's not at Arthur, for once. She's sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.
"Perhaps I was a bit hasty in returning home." Morgana's discovered the dilemma of anyone who has been ill for an extended period of time: the desire to reassert one's independence, often forgets how much one needs to do when on one's own.
Arthur (as oblivious as he often has the capacity to be) is able to pick up on Morgana's frustration - and, to an extent, that it's not pointing in his direction. Honestly, he's a bit tired of their recent frosty relations. He can only be pig-headed about an argument for so long before it becomes exhausting, and he's past that point by now. Also, there's the fact that he does actually like Morgana, no matter how he might behave to the contrary. So here comes a rather oblique attempt at an apology, directed at the wall above Morgana's bed.
"Yes, well. Perhaps I could have been more helpful."
She would really like some peace. She would also like to stop coming up with rational excuses to find him in the royal chambers. Sure, she may have a well of them, but even the deepest wells run dry, eventually.
So, instead, she gives him a half smile. "Not if I wouldn't have let you."
There's her olive branch -- and she's still looking right at him.
"No leaks then." He announces, glancing perfunctorily up at the ceiling before moving to knock knowledgably on a wall. Bullshitting, essentially. "Everything seems to be in order. Excellent."
Although, she prefers him when he's smiling.
"Everything is fine, my Lord," for once, not used in jest. Technically, it would be the correct title, and their peace is far too new to risk any teasing.
"You have taken excellent care of things during my absence and recovery." Look, it's a compliment -- genuine. Someone may want to record the time and date for posterity.
"You look good. Well, better." He replies, repaying the compliment in kind. "It's nice to see you in actual clothes again."
So much civility is unnatural probably.
"It is a relief to be in them. There shall be no more jaunts outside in my nightclothes, in the future." Since she's already had two incidents -- both revolving around Arthur, she's not aiming to ever have a third.
"And I was anxious to return home," It's an error she's been making more frequently, of late, "to the Royal Chambers."
Somewhere, the universe must be wondering what planets aligned to create an entirely polite, teasing-free conversation.
"I'm quite relieved about that too. Not sure my back could handle that sort of strain on a regular basis." He accompanies this with some theatrical wincing, of course. Evidently this is teasing, but it's good-natured - they're both aware that Morgana is exceedingly slim, especially lately. He follows it up with something much more genuine, however.
"It's good to have you back, my lady."
Morgana tilts her head and smirks. "I have doubts that much effort was required on your part." She wouldn't really know, as by the time she was taken back to her room, she was almost asleep. She is though, well aware of how she got back to her bed. "And, if you do not wish such incidents to occur, you should not make such an enticing offer to someone who is too ill to be properly dressed."
"Thank you, Arthur."
"Speaking of being properly dressed, it occured to me that with so much space at our disposal, we might host a celebration. In honour of your homecoming."
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