011 ± [accidental visual] gonna break it gonna wreck it gonna try make it all make sense

Apr 05, 2010 18:28

The feed begins with a tablet being carelessly set on a table, and affords Taxon with a familiar-to-some view: the opulent ballroom of the Northern Island. There is also Glitch, who has his back turned. He's dressed casually, no coat or vest, just trousers, suspenders, and a shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbow. Arranged on the dance floor beyond him are about half a dozen haphazrdly assembled and posed...dummies.

The gramophone is playing something that sounds a bit like this, and after one limbering shimmy Glitch is off to not dance. Sure, the same graceful movement is there, the effortless abandon that anyone who'd danced with him knew, but-

The first dummy fell after a high roundhouse kick, the second taken down with a sweep kick, and then he was up with a twirl and a flourish to face his next opponent. Right cross punch, reverse side kick, until there was only one dummy left, and that was soon demolished by a massive tornado kick.

With complete nonchalance (he's humming for goodness sake) Glitch returns to the table and picks up a glass of water, oblivious to the tablet's broadcast.

[ooc: No, really, he's a ninja taekwondo master. Marvel or giggle at will! ETA: the thread with DG includes smoochies, a fade-to-black, and sappy pillow talk. I am...not sure if that's a warning or not =D]

{ shane hayes, glitch, { levi blakely, { piper halliwell, dg, buffy summers, { mordred

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