o11 → you're the hardest instrument i've ever had to play [ location :: gatas castle ]

Mar 10, 2010 08:53

The day following Petra's announcements on the network finds her in roughly the same place with a somewhat more certain sense of purpose. The acting council may still be just an idea, but it's an idea that's gaining support and movement - they can work with that. Judith's idea of elections sent her into the stacks of Gatas's library, digging out texts on the selection of Genidian Preceptors and the logistics of electing an Archprelate; she spreads them out on a table with her notes and her lists of names and volunteers.

It does feel much, much better to be working with the knowledge that she does, in fact, have support to call on - with the Doctor, with the notion of building a council she expects not to sit on, and personally if she so requires. Doul's employment is one weight off her mind.

Since it seems likely as not that her stream of visitors in and out hasn't ended, she keeps her tablet close to her while she attempts to familiarize herself with how elections work (she may not have had cause to know before, but she does now and she's determined to prove a quick study). Admittedly one of her first notes after an essay on the elections of Sarathi is simplify, simplify, simplify, we have no bureaucrats to appease - but there aren't any churchmen here for her to offend with her critique of their system.

[ hellooo! this is mostly for slow-thread with fred, but if anyone else needs the countess ... have at, just remember to call ahead. ]

{ winifred burkle, { petrana

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